Tips for Challenging Times

By Nancy Rynes, author of Awakenings from the Light

I want to take a few moments right now to give gratitude and remembrance.

Gratitude for all of those who are working hard right now to help, to heal, and to dispel fears.

Remembrance for all of those affected by these current illnesses, not only the viruses (Coronavirus and influenza) but also the resulting fears, stress, and uncertainty that can be longer-lasting challenges to overcome. As of this writing (April 2, 2020), coronavirus has claimed over 50,000 lives worldwide, with influenza deaths in the hundreds of thousands across the globe.

This season may find you stressed, fearful, and uncertain about the future. You are definitely not alone...not that it makes you feel any better, but a lot of other people are feeling challenged as well. Our society has gone through tough times in the past and we have a lot we can learn from those who have gone before about how to cope, persevere, and come out in a better place.

My prayer for you is to find a more peaceful inner life, starting now. My journey toward peace started over six years ago during my near-death experience, and has evolved over that time. I've learned a lot, what works and what doesn't work for me, and have collected some of that wisdom into a weekend workshop. To help you along your journey, for it really is a lifelong journey, I am giving a series of free classes called "Simply Peace," based on that weekend workshop. Over the next two months, I'll give the class twice, live and online. Then I'll record it and post it online so anyone can view the recording at their own time and pace, for free.

"Simply Peace" is a condensed version of that weekend workshop, made as clear and concise as I can make it. Please stay tuned here and on my social media pages for more information.

In the meantime, the rest of this article is devoted to giving you some of my favorite resources for managing stress during challenging times.

From my own blog:
Other quick tips that help me:
  • Getting out in nature
  • Getting in some laughter (watch a funny movie)
  • Talking to a trusted friend on the phone
  • Starting my day off with 
  • Being creative 
  • Cleaning the house or working on a home improvement project
  • Reading an inspirational book
  • Doing my own research and thinking for myself (I don't blindly believe the news I hear)
  • Limiting the amount of time I watch or listen to the news
And just a few articles from respected sources in the medical and behavioral health field:
As always, if you are feeling fearful or stressed to the point where it is negatively impacting your life, please seek help from a qualified psychotherapist or counselor.

Blessings and peace to you,


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Archive: Past Newsletter Issues

TODAY Show: Nancy's Interview on NBC TV's TODAY
          Messages of Hope with Suzanne Giesemann: Exploring NDEs with Nancy Rynes
Article: Seven Lessons That Dying Taught Me About Truly Living (Aspire Magazine)

Article: Lives Changed by NDEs (Boulder Daily Camera)

Article: Awakening to Life(Pages 6-10, Journal of Exceptional Experiences and Psychology, Summer 2016)

Article: The Meaning of Life (Excellence Reporter)

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