Shifting to Peace and Joy (Part 12): Healthy Exercise

 By Nancy Rynes, author of Awakenings from the Light

Article copyright Nancy Rynes

This morning I enjoyed the beautiful weather here in Arizona by getting out for a two hour hike in a small canyon near my home. The birds sang, the sky was a perfect shade of blue, and the temperature stayed about 65 degrees Fahrenheit. Even though I don't do long bike rides on the roadways anymore, I am still grateful that I have the ability to get out and hike, kayak, and even sometimes swim. Exercise is good not only for the body, but for the mind as well, and it can help us to cultivate more peace in our lives.

Exercise Benefits

What are some of the benefits of regular exercise, besides building strong biceps or allowing us to compete in a 5K race?
  1. Can help in preventing or relieving depression, anxiety, stroke, metabolic disorders, certain types of cancers, and high blood pressure, especially if done outside in green spaces.
  2. Assists in maintaining a healthy weight.
  3. Helps improve your ability to think and focus, and also helps to improve your overall sense of well-being.
  4. Helps you sleep better.
  5. The right exercises can keep you strong and resilient, more able to withstand or bounce back from illnesses, injuries, and stress, leading to a higher quality of life.
  6. Can be an enjoyable way to socialize and meet new people

What do I do?

  • Regular walks/hikes 4x/week for at least an hour
  • Bike rides (3x or more per week on bike paths)
  • Weight training (3x per week, moderate)

I love walking and hiking the most, but riding on bike paths is a close second. I just enjoy being outside, in the sunshine, and listening to nature. Being outside helps me de-stress and puts me in a more positive mood. It also is a huge creativity boost. In fact, I wrote most of the first draft of my book Awakenings from the Light outside during breaks on long hikes in the Colorado mountains. Now that I live in Arizona, a hike in the desert does the same. I know that if I'm stuck creatively, one of the ways I can count on to get me unstuck is to get outside for a hike among the cactus

For me it’s important to be active in ways that I enjoy. I'd love for you to do the same, if you don't already.* Find some kind of exercise that you enjoy and commit to doing it at least three days a week as a start. Commit to doing the best you can, within your don't need to be a superhero, just get active and get moving.

In the next article, I'll give you some ideas for physical exercise combined with a spiritual practice so you can get the biggest benefit out of the time you have.

Remember to

As always, take care and many blessings to you,


*Notes and Resources

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Simply Peace Part 1

Simply Peace Part 2

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