A Doorway

By Nancy Rynes, author of Awakenings from the Light

I'm so happy to report, FINALLY, that progress on my next book is going very well. This book is still (mostly) a secret, but I can share that it is in response to all of you who asked me, "How can I be peaceful and happy, like you?" 

The book has been in the back of my mind for the last couple of years but it waited until the beginning of May before it coalesced into a coherent work. I still have a long way to go for a finished manuscript, but I will be sharing little bits of it with you in the coming months. Here's the first:

A Doorway

In the early days of 2014, a doorway to another world opened to me. Spirit brought me across the threshold of death in order to glimpse a reality whose existence I had denied for too long. I didn’t know at the time that my initial, brief view into the spiritual world, while tantalizing and mesmerizing, was simply the first step in what has since turned into a passion and lifelong journey.

The truth is that spiritual experiences comes in many guises, each one different but most, if not all, offering something that has the potential to affect powerful change in the experiencer. They offer the opportunity to dive deeply into the profound nature of spirituality, the outer limits of consciousness, and what it means to be alive. They invite us to contemplate the reality of different planes of existence, the depth and beauty of our own souls, our connection to history, and the illusion of time. Spiritual experiences ask us to deepen our connections to each other and mature into our power as children of that Divine, spiritual realm.

In the end, if we are very lucky and are diligent, we may even see glimpses of the true workings of the universe.

All spiritual experiences are an invitation to begin on a journey toward a greater level of awareness. But the journey to awakening and awareness can begin without a profound experience. The desire for a life of more meaning and authenticity has the potential to be an invitation or a calling itself. It can well up from deep within our being, to seek out a life that is more present, meaningful, joy-filled, free,  or peaceful.

These different types of callings or invitations are but the first step on the journey.

No one type of experience, no one type of first step, is better than the others on the path toward a more peaceful, Spirit-filled life. All are equally valid be they visions, shared death experiences, near-death experiences, kundalini experiences, gradual awakenings, or the quiet callings of the heart toward a life of meaning. All give the invitee, the initiate, the opportunity to deepen his or her understanding and connection to ideas and realities far greater than what we may have learned as children, and far more than modern science cares to admit.

When we truly accept that invitation and step through the doorway, we have been initiated onto the the path of a seeker, and will never be the same. Divine love and consciousness awaits, along with our intimate connection to all in the spiritual realms.


I'll be sharing small portions of this book over the coming months, so stay tuned.

Blessings to all,


Stuff You Might Have Missed

Nancy's Radiant Soul Energy Sessions (now booking mid June and Nov 9)

Also booking in-person energy sessions for Nov 9 in Syracuse, NY. Contact Nancy directly for more details.

A recent client review: 
Hi Nancy,
Thanks again for our session yesterday.  I just wanted to let you know that I slept like a rock last night (which felt great), and I had three different people today say that I looked “radiant” and that my face was “glowing”.   One woman confided to me that she could see auras and said that I had the most beautiful pink and yellow glow around me.  Wow!

Archive: Past Newsletter Issues

TODAY Show: Nancy's Interview on NBC TV's TODAY

Article: Seven Lessons That Dying Taught Me About Truly Living (Aspire Magazine)

Article: Lives Changed by NDEs (Boulder Daily Camera)

Article: Awakening to Life(Pages 6-10, Journal of Exceptional Experiences and Psychology, Summer 2016)

Article: The Meaning of Life (Excellence Reporter)

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