Little Things, and Caterpillars

By Nancy Rynes, author of Awakenings from the Light 

Last time I wrote about the uniqueness that is our home here on Earth. It's special, and it's ours. Humanity's only home for now in the vast expanse of space. While we transition from this physical plane when our bodies die, many generations of people and animals will inherit this Earth from us.

Many Near-Death Experiencers (NDErs) come back with the message that this Earth is a precious place. Some make drastic changes to their lifestyles in order to better honor and care for the Earth. We can do that...we can make big changes and have an impact but often times the most important ways we can care for the Earth might seem small at first.

I want to share a story about caterpillars with you.

Not too many years ago, my then eleven-year-old daughter and I were walking in a wildlife refuge near Tacoma, Washington. An autumn chill hung in the air that October day and the "wooly bear" caterpillars scrambled along the ground looking for places to hibernate for the winter. That's one of the little caterpillars there on Cara's hand, above.

Unfortunately, the little caterpillars decided that they absolutely needed to crawl across the main pathway into the heart of the refuge. The pathway was busy with dozens of people walking out to the wetlands to see the migrating geese. And yes, some of the caterpillars were being squished under the feet of all of those humans. Cara took one look at the caterpillars, then at the people, and took action. She started picking up the caterpillars and moving them to the grasses on either side of the path so that they would survive the crossing.

This may not seem like a big deal at first, but Cara knew without a doubt it was the right thing to do, so we both spent the next hour or so moving caterpillars from the path to the grasses to which they were headed. But here's the magical part of the story: by watching Cara, other adults on the path then became conscious of the caterpillars and went out of their way to avoid stepping on them. Some even stopped to help us!

Soon we had a platoon of ad
ults and kids helping move caterpillars off the busy walking path. I'm very proud of my daughter for being unabashedly herself: for caring about the little critters that most of us don't even think about. And in the distant future, when it's time for Cara's own life review in Heaven, I bet this event will be one of the things Spirit brings up and says "Beautifully done, my dear."

Did Cara save the world that day? No, but she saved some cute, fuzzy caterpillars. More importantly, though, Cara's actions made other people conscious of their own effects on the animals and plants around them. In the end, it was the ripple effect of her actions that made the biggest impact that day.

Remember that everyone on Earth is our neighbor, even the lowly wooly bear caterpillar, and every action we take has an impact on the world around us. 

Love and Blessings to all of you...


Today's Prayer

Divine Spirit, I pray for all of those who have crossed over before me, that they continue to live in and love Your light.

Posted by Nancy Rynes, author of Awakenings from the Light ( )
All content copyright Nancy Rynes, 2015-2019
Bio: Nancy Rynes is a speaker, artist, and author of Awakenings from the Light (available from Nancy's books and workshops teach you how to bring a little bit of Heaven to your life on Earth. She lives near Boulder, Colorado. Check out her website: