Shifting to Peace and Joy (Part 8): Care for Your Body

 By Nancy Rynes, author of Awakenings from the Light

All content copyright Nancy Rynes

“The notion that the mind and body are actually different sides of the same coin goes all the way back to the origins of medicine. For most of its history, the practice was not separate from other aspects of human activity.” 

~Jon Kabat-Zinn

It might seem odd to think of the body as the foundation of a life’s spiritual framework. It’s true that our soul’s consciousness returns to its spiritual home when the physical body dies, but while in the physical, our souls can only interact with the world around us through the mechanism of the body.

If our bodies aren’t functioning well, our lives may be more challenging, hindering our soul’s ability to be fully present. A poorly functioning body can also hinder our creativity and decision-making process, and make it more challenging to consciously choose our reality.

Photo of man running with his dog

Let’s stack the odds in our favor. Let’s make it easier for our souls to come forward and powerfully co-create our lives from a place of peace, calm, and joy.

You might ask, "What if I was born with a physical challenge, or I have developed an illness or sustains a severe injury?"

You can still optimize what abilities you do have.

Remember, focus on what you can do in this moment, not on what you can’t. Make the most of what you have been given by taking care of yourself as best as you can. 

You won’t be the same as me. We won’t all physically look and function like the superheroes in the movies, but we can be the heroes of our own lives by taking care of ourselves to the best of our abilities.

Since your body is the foundation of your soul's presence in this life, and the channel through which it functions, doesn’t it make sense to take care of your body to the best of your abilities? To help it function within the realm of what is healthy for you? The more solid and strong your physical body, the easier will be your journey to full conscious awareness and peace. The bonus is that you’ll feel better, and function better too, both mentally and physically.

 For the majority of people, that means that there are three basic things to optimize as a start:

  • Sleep
  • Nutrition
  • Exercise

Please understand that I’m not a medical professional of any kind, so I won’t be addressing specific health challenges like cancer, heart disease, or diabetes. Please seek out the assistance of a qualified medical or mental health professional if you are challenged with a serious issue. But in future articles, I will investigate the latest research and breakthroughs in healing modalities such as meditation techniques and sound healing.

Next time we will cover optimizing sleep.

For another article about caring for our bodies like we would a high-performance race car, please see this article.



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Simply Peace Part 1

Simply Peace Part 2

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