Message 6: Allowing, Letting Go

Allow, let go, get out of your own way. Allow Spirit to have its way in your life. 

Have you ever had the feeling that a part of your life was an uphill battle? That no matter how hard you tried, something wasn't going the way you planned? Roadblocks and obstacles keep popping up out of nowhere. Things happen that seem to derail you. Yet you stubbornly continue on in the direction you laid out for yourself, hoping against hope that eventually it would all work out.
Sometimes it does.
But other times that struggling only digs the hole deeper beneath our feet. Sometimes that struggling gets in the way of us getting what we really need. More importantly, our struggles and stubbornness may get in the way of Spirit doing its best work in our lives!
Let it go. Let Spirit do its work in your life. 
Step back mentally and emotionally. Ask Spirit for assistance and for guidance. Ask to have light shed on the situation, to make what is really going on, or what you should do, clear and obvious. 
Have a dialog with Spirit. Let go, ask, and put your faith in Him.
What I learned during my time in Heaven is that letting go and allowing Spirit to work in our lives is vitally important. There, it's normal. The Beings there are very relaxed and in-tune with Spirit's direction. Letting go and "allowing" is just a part of existence in Heaven.

Spirit asks that we try to let go of our control a little more. Let go of the need to control every situation. Let go of attachment to specific outcomes. Letting go, and letting God work, might very well result in something even better coming into our lives than we had expected or imagined before!

Trying to control says that we really don't trust Spirit to do His work. The Divine has been handling this stuff for a very long time. At most, you have been at it for a few decades. Who do you think can handle it better? You or Spirit?
Let go, ask for clarity. Then trust. Spirit will make things clear to you if you step back and pay attention. He will handle the situation, or at least help it along, if you step aside and get out of the way.

Important note: If you are having strong thoughts of trying to harm yourself or someone else, are having recurring negative thoughts or nightmares, or truly can’t let go of a situation, please seek professional help.

More details, including my thoughts and some exercises in learning to let go, are in the book: Awakenings from the Light.

All content copyright Nancy Rynes, 2014. Please read disclaimer and Legal Notes here.