Reader's Questions (FAQ)

1) What about Hell and Judgment?

I have had several readers write in asking about the concept of hell. Is there a hell? If we do something "bad" here on Earth, do we have to pay for it in some way once our bodies die?

I want to remind everyone that I was not given all of the knowledge in Heaven. God and My Guide were kind enough to gift me with an introductory course, though. Call it "Heaven and Earth 101." What I'm trying to say is that I definitely do not have all of the keys to the Kingdom, so I will answer as best as I can and from my own experience.

While my Guide was not very happy with some of the decisions I had made in my prior life, the only thing I felt from her and the Divine Presence was absolute, unconditional love and acceptance. I was told that God knows that as humans we are far from perfect, that we are here to learn and enjoy this sometimes-complex but often beautiful (and fun) experience on Earth. 

God is much more loving and forgiving than we give Him credit for being...and apparently much more loving, accepting, and forgiving than we are towards each other and ourselves.

That being said, we do not get off with the metaphorical "slap on the wrist" when we do things that negatively impact others (and that includes animals and the earth, too). We have to make amends. The first part of making amends comes during the life review when we see and feel our negative actions from the standpoint of the other soul we have hurt. For example, if you are verbally abusive to your children, in your life review you will deeply feel what it was like to be your children during the abuse. Trust me, it's not fun to experience your own negative actions through the hearts and minds of those you hurt no matter how big or little your transgression. You will understand in a very deep way how your actions, positive and negative, have impacted those around you. God doesn't really need to judge us. From my own experience and the experiences of other NDErs, we are our own worst judges and critics during the life review. As a result of your life review, you will want to make amends and to do better. When you are there in the presence of the Divine, seeing and feeling your life laid out in front of you from every possible angle, you will have a deep, burning need to make things right. 

In the final death of our human body when we experience our true life review, making amends can include such things as helping other humans (being a spiritual guide), being of service to the Divine in some other way, or even coming back into a body for the chance to get it right or make things right if you choose. Our souls don't need the threat of a hell in order to be better or do better, and the vast majority of other NDErs will tell you the same thing. We want to do and be better deep inside.

I did come away from my life review with a deeper sense of compassion and kindness toward those people I may have hurt in my younger days. We all have unintentionally done or said something that hurts another. The bigger question then becomes how can we learn from that so we avoid hurting others unnecessarily in the future? For myself,  I am much more aware of how my actions may impact others, so am careful about how I interact with the world around me. I just do not want to hurt someone if I can avoid it. I do my best in each moment, realizing that yes, sometimes I will mess up and will need to apologize or make things right in whatever way I can.

I did not get any indication that there is a literal hell or some sort of eternal price we have to pay for being "bad," but then again I had never done anything terrible either. Is there some sort of eternal penance we have to do once we die? Other than making amends as I described above, I honestly do not know. But I can tell you that I am not taking any chances, either. I am striving to live the rest of my life in light and love as much as possible, so that I do go back to that peace and love of Heaven when I finally do pass on, permanently.

Also remember that in each and every moment, we have the opportunity here on Earth to create a little bit of Heaven or hell for ourselves. Heaven or hell on Earth are in the choices we make, our thoughts, and the actions we take.

I would urge you to look within your own heart and faith, too, when answering this question. 

2) Is there knowledge that you were given that you have not shared, especially if it could raise some controversy? 

Yes. Rest assured that when I feel ready to share it, I will :-)

3) Why do you think some people who are close to death report having NDEs (Near-Death Experiences) and some do not? Does this mean that not everyone's consciousness survives the death of the body? 

If you've read my book or watched me on YouTube, you probably know my perspective by now. Consciousness absolutely survives death. But why do some people report having NDEs and some don't? I think there are probably multiple explanations. 

From people I have spoken with in private, there are folks who DO experience NDEs and simply don't report them to loved ones or medical staff. Yes, people are still afraid to report NDEs, or simply don't want the attention, or don't want to have to consider the implications of their experience. Along those lines, I think some people have them but don't consider them real, or are afraid to consider them real, and simply try to forget and go on with their lives. And like dreams, I think some people have them but just flat-out don't remember. Most folks don't have 100% dream recall...I suspect it's the same is true with NDEs.

I had what I suspect was an NDE back when I was 5 years old (surviving my first traumatic accident). I was only a child so didn't know what I was experiencing. In hindsight, I would call it an NDE. Another time, a couple of years before my "big" NDE, I was very ill from meningitis. I had physically collapsed but was conscious and waiting for help to arrive, when my consciousness separated from my body for several minutes. It went wandering, looking for the help that was on its way. I never told anyone because I was scared about the whole thing and afraid to face the implications of that experience. Then a couple of years later I had my big NDE that I wrote about in my book, and couldn't deny consciousness-after-death anymore.

4) Why do you think people who have had NDEs tend to report differences? Yes, there are some similarities among all of them, but there are differences, too.

People have been reporting NDEs, STEs (spiritually-transformative experiences), OBEs (out-of-body experiences), and spiritual visions/communications for many thousands of years. This is nothing new. Some of the key or core aspects are startlingly similar among them:

  • Divine Love, acceptance, welcoming
  • Light
  • Spiritual beings, deceased relatives, religious figures
  • Heavenly "song"
  • Loss of pain/suffering
But some things are different, too. Why? Well, I believe the main reason is that NDErs did not experience final physical death. In short, an NDE is only a precursor to final, full death. It's a preview of coming attractions...not the full movie, just a hint of what is to come. We came back, after all. 

As such, we NDErs typically only experience the first steps in the afterlife transition process. After physical death, each soul seems to go through a process of shedding the association with the human cloak and merging again with the Divine. We carry a part of our human identities and beliefs with us for a time after physical death. Some souls need different things during this transition period to let go of what we were, so thus the experiences here are different. And this process can take a different amount of "time" depending on the soul. NDErs typically don't make it past this stage...the vast majority of us get sent back or choose to come back while we are still very firmly connected with our humanity. So if you pretend there are, say, 15 different phases of the transition process, most NDErs may get sent back before they make it to step 6 for example (I'm just making that up to illustrate my point...I really don't think there are a certain number of defined phases, like progressing through university to get a degree). 

So, we are sent back while we are still in the process of letting go of the human being or "me" that we were, in that stage where we were being transitioned depending on our individual needs.

5) Animals and Spirit