Letting Go and The God Jar

By Nancy Rynes, author of Awakenings from the Light
Have you ever had the feeling that a part of your life was an uphill battle, that no matter how hard you tried, something wasn’t going the way you planned?

Roadblocks and obstacles pop up out of nowhere. Things happen that seem to derail you from your path. Yet you stubbornly continue on in the direction you laid out for yourself, hoping against hope that eventually it will all work out.

Sometimes it does.

But other times that struggling only digs the hole deeper beneath your feet. Sometimes that struggling stands in the way of seeing a slightly different path that will allow you to get what you really need or want. More importantly, your struggles and stubbornness may get in the way of spiritual grace working in your life!

Let go. Give God room to do some of the work. You don’t have to control everything.
Step back mentally and emotionally. Ask aloud for assistance and for guidance. Ask to have light shed on the situation, to make what is really going on, or what you should do, clear and obvious.*

One method that I use to help me let go of something is The God Jar.

Get a large, attractive jar or vase and make sure it’s clean. Choose one that has special meaning if you’d like. Bless it with a prayer such as “God, I know that I don’t need to do everything myself so I humbly ask for your help. Thank you for helping me by taking on the concerns I give to you in this jar.” This is now your "God Jar." Next, prepare several small pieces of paper, each a few inches square, and keep them in a handy location near your God Jar. When you have a worry, a situation that seems out of your control, or would like help from Heaven with a challenge you face, write about it on one of those little slips of paper. Now fold up the paper, put it in the "God Jar", and thank God for handling this issue for you. As you place your slip of paper in the God Jar, go into your heart-space and make an intention to let God handle it for you. Now you can go on about your day. It's on God's to-do list, not yours! Heaven is working on taking care of the issue for your highest good, and you can rest because it's now out of your hands. When I use the God Jar, I find that it's best if I completely forget about the issues that I place inside. Others find that they get more benefit by being patient and calmly watching for a sign that Heaven has intervened. Either way, you may see the situation resolve seemingly by itself. When that happens, take a moment to thank God and your Heavenly team for stepping in to help you. Remember that this is just one method I use to help me let go of challenges. Try it for a few weeks and see if it helps you.
Wishing you Heavenly love,
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August 3-6, 2017 (Denver, Colorado): IANDS Annual Conference. I'm honored to be a workshop presenter at the annual IANDS conference in Denver this summer. Schedule TBD.
Sept 14, 2017 (Saratoga, CA): South Bay IANDS. I'm honored to be speaking at the local chapter of IANDS in Saratoga, CA. Schedule TBD.
Sept 15, 2017 (Marin County, CA): IANDS Marin County. I'm honored to be speaking at the local chapter of IANDS in Marin County. Schedule TBD.
Sept 16, 2017 (Marin County, CA): IANDS Marin County. Full day "Angel Whisperer" workshop. I'll be giving an encore presentation of my "Angel Whisperer" workshop again in the San Francisco Bay area. Schedule TBD.
Posted by Nancy Rynes, author of Awakenings from the Light and Messages from Heaven
Bio: Nancy Rynes is a speaker, artist, and author of "Awakenings from the Light" (available from Amazon.com). Nancy's books and workshops teach you how to bring a little bit of Heaven to your life on Earth. She lives near Seattle, Washington. Check out her website: NancyRynes.com
Copyright © 2017 Nancy Rynes, All rights reserved.