The Week of Love

By Nancy Rynes, author of Awakenings from the Light 
This week leading up to Valentine's Day can be kind of rough if you don't have a sweetie. In America, we choose to celebrate romantic love on February 14, but if you don't have someone special in your life, or if things aren't going so well in your relationship, this time of the year can feel challenging.
Before my accident, I spent many Valentine's Days alone and like a lot of other folks out there, it was tough to be reminded of that lack of a sweetheart during the week leading up to Feb. 14. Things are a little different for me now, and it's not because I have a have a wonderful new man in my life. I don't. My attitude about love changed drastically after my accident and NDE.

I now know that Spirit loves us all at a level beyond imagining. I am gifted with the ability to see and feel it now, whenever I want, and it's there all the time. And the Divine wraps you in love, too, right here, right now, no matter what you think of yourself in this moment. No matter how wonderful or awful things are, Spirit loves you beyond measure. Believe it. Trust it. You are love at your core, and you are surrounded by Divine love. No exceptions :-)

Isn't that cool?

To give myself visual reminders of this love all around, I like to go on Love Walks. If you've read my book you know what they are. I simply take a walk through town and celebrate any evidence of love, kindness, or compassion that I see. I don't jump up and down or shout when I see it, I simply say a quiet "Thank You" to Spirit for witnessing it and then I send out a silent prayer or blessing.

Right now I'll take you on a Virtual Love Walk as a little gift of love and kindness to you this Valentine's Day. Thank you for being so kind and supportive to me...I hope to return the favor someday!

Love and Blessings to all of you...


Posted by Nancy Rynes, author of Awakenings from the Light ( )
All content copyright Nancy Rynes, 2015-2016